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Siemens Energy Supplier Enrollment

for Suppliers Located in China

Step 1: Collect Company Information & Complete Form

Our supplier enrollment form requires that you have the following company information on hand to complete our online application. Once completed, a copy of your submission will be emailed to you.

  1. Company address
  2. Form of business (i.e. corporation) and Unified Social Credit Code (USCC) / 统一社会信用代码
  3. If Publicly traded, exchange and symbol. If Private, a list of all shareholders (individuals or organizations) that own 25% or more of the issued shares of your corporation.
  4. Total annual revenues
  5. Total annual sales to Siemens Energy
  6. Payment terms
  7. Bank account details
  8. Contact information for your primary company contact, primary system user, and any additional system user.

Step 2: Upload Supporting Documents

Our supplier enrollment application requires you to upload copies of the following company identification and payment account documents for verification.

  1. Copy of Articles of Association or Business License*
  2. Voided check, deposit slip, or bank statement (no older than 90 days)
  3. If your company is privately owned, please provide a redacted Driver’s License or Passport for each shareholder that owns 25% or more of the issued shares of your corporation.

* English translation must be provided 

Step 3: E-Sign Orbian Supplier Agreement

Complete and e-sign the Orbian System Use and Supplier Payment and Discount Agreement. Once reviewed and countersigned by Orbian, a copy of the agreement will be emailed to you.


Once we receive all required materials, the Orbian Supplier Enrollment Team will review and validate your application and will contact you with any questions or requests for further information, if necessary.

When you are enrolled and fully activated on the Orbian System, you will receive an email confirmation with your login information and a copy of our Supplier User Guide. At the same time, we’ll inform Siemens Energy that you will receive your payments through Orbian.

If you have any questions please contact the Orbian Supplier Enrollment Team at (US) +1 (760) 891-2303, (Europe) +49 (0) 89 – 215 474 928 or email [email protected].